Spinnova develops a wood-based textile fibre
The Finnish company Spinnova is developing a pulp-based textile fibre. Compared to corresponding technologies under development, the company’s technology saves water, energy and chemicals. The technology makes it possible to manufacture textile fibres in a significantly more ecological way than with competing technologies using cotton or oil-based fibres.
Increasing the global cotton production appears impossible due to the lack of farming land. Cotton cultivation deteriorates soil and groundwater and also competes with food production for arable land.
On the other hand, the production of wood-based viscose fibre utilizes highly toxic chemicals, such as carbon disulfide, and oil-based fibres have a substantial environmental footprint.
This is the market niche which Spinnova plans to enter.
’Textile brands around the world are frantically searching for ways to produce textiles more sustainably and ecologically,’ says Janne Poranen, CEO of Spinnova in an article published by the newspaper Keskisuomalainen.
Spinnova plans to get its pilot-phase products on to the market this year. An investment decision on an industrial-scale mill will most likely be taken during 2021 at the latest.
Spinnova’s first partner is the world-renowned Marimekko brand. In the longer run, Spinnova’s goal is to create a concept that can be replicated through joint ventures and licensing.
Spinnova’s journey started at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. It was incorporated as a company in 2014. At the moment, Spinnova employs some
20 people.