About us

Forest.fi online magazine publishes articles about forests and forest sector.

In our weekly news, we tell you about the sustainable use of forests in Finland. Statistics, facts and the Forest Glossary cover forest issues comprehensively. In the Forest bioeconomy future catalogue, you find the new innovations in the forest sector.

Forest.fi is published by the Finnish Forest Association. The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK), Metsähallitus, Metsä Group, Stora Enso, UPM, the Kolli Foundation and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry participate in funding the website. The Forest bioeconomy future catalogue is funded by the Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation.

Contact information


Tero Karjalainen, Editor-in-chief, tero.karjalainen@forest.fi, +358 50 355 1049

Anna Kauppi, Communications Manager, Finnish Forest Association, anna.kauppi@smy.fi, +358 400 702 102

Finnish Forest Association
Salomonkatu 17 A
00100 Helsinki

Privacy policy

Materials & Copyrights

All material, excluding photos and drawings in forest.fi, can be used free of charge. When quoting us, please mention the source as Forest.fi. If you want to use the photos or drawings, please, do not hesitate to ask for permission, which can be granted for most of the pictures and drawings free of charge. The association does not take any responsibility for the graphs in forest.fi, if they are somehow changed during reproduction.