’s most popular stories in 2024 – see list listed the stories that attracted most readers in 2024. Have you read them yet?
In 2024, the international news site of the forest sector, published over forty topical articles, each in both Finnish and English. We brought together the four that attracted the most readers. Did you already read them?
Disheartening research results: To decrease fellings in EU will move them elsewhere and be extremely costly to EU
Reducing forest fellings in the EU will significantly increase fellings in other parts of the world, as is shown by recent university research.
Study: Bronze birch borer could kill all European birches – Chilling experience: ’Even total destruction seen’
If the bronze birch borer beetle was to spread to Europe, this would be close to a death sentence to birches, warns a bulletin by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Finnish expert Heikki Nuorteva of Natural Resources Institute Finland is less alarmed.
Spoonful of microcrystalline cellulose every morning for three months caused researcher to gain six kilograms
Ingesting microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) improves the absorption of nutrients in humans. This may be a way of saving people from starvation.
Finnish pulp to solve shortage of ammunition in Ukraine?
Pulp could be processed into raw material for gunpowder, according to the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle. Professors of chemistry disagree about the feasibility of this.